MGM Forging -
A sustainable growth path

MGM group was founded in 1978 as a start-up in the name of Forge Tools (Mysore) Pvt. Ltd., initially as a Tool Room. On a bed of integrity, fuelled by burning ambition. Years of staying true to our principles and tireless endeavour has produced rich results and motivated us to start a Hammer Forging unit in the name of MGM Industries in 1982. Another limited company was established in the year 1995.

Vision & Mission

Enhance the customer satisfaction by reliable supplies in continues manner, timely quality product delivery, continues improvement in quality, competitive pricing and meeting customer expectations.

Continues improvement in our processes through training, automation and motivation, performance in quality management and its effectiveness.

Create a value supply chain for all our Customers by reliable supplies in a continuous manner

  • Enhanced customer satisfaction
  • Timely quality product delivery
  • Customer Interaction and Feed Back for continuous improvement in Quality and Technology improvements
  • Competitive pricing for win-win situation.
MGM Group
MGM Group is under installation stage following equipment’s in one of their subsidiary company M/s. Ganesh Enterprises, Mysore.

MGM Forgings Pvt Ltd

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Reach Us

Location :

M/s. MGM Forgings Pvt. Ltd.,
Plot No 427/C, Hebbal Industrial Area,
Mysuru – 570016

Email :


Phone :

0821 – 4006639
98804 22138